SO...I was slated to be in two hunts and another charity event. One of the hunts booked up the day I applied, so that was that (and likely a good thing, considering). But I'm still in the
Unknown Hunt and the
Wear Gray for a Day charity event.
The Unknown Hunt I am telling myself is not a large worry; they don't officially start for hunting until October, so I have time. Wear Gray, on the other hand, starts September 12th, which is--now--eight days hence.
I'm worried because first, my hard drive died, and it took too months to get a new drive. Now, I
had been working on designs, but three days before we procured a new drive, something ate itself on my machine--I lost access to
EVERYTHING I'd stored on the desktop, but also on internal folders. The only folder that remained clear was something I'd extended off from C: and...frankly, that was a lot of work lost.
We installed the new drive, I started transferring files over (both that I'd burned off from that one available folder, and files saved from before the first drive died), and then two days ago, I injured my leg
(SOMEhow), and was stuck away from the comp, elevating the leg, applying ice to lower the swelling.
Now, I have a netbook, and it is a peachy-keen netbook, and I love it and I cuddle it and it is wonderful--for what it is. It
will run Second Life, it
won't do major graphics. And up until recently, photography was laughable.
So...I'm stuck. I've contacted one of the organizers behind Wear Gray with questions, but I'm not hearing anything back. I will likely send another notecard, along with an IM, in a couple days. But in the meantime, I'm having to face it--if I can't
use the main keys, I can't finish the projects I'm planning for the events.
The Unknown Hunt has more lead time. I think my leg will feel better in a few weeks, no problem, and I'll be able to get back to pixilating bandages on dead skin. But Wear Gray? I just don't have it done. I was at the point where I had mocked-out patterns, and started to do template work without aging--but all I've really gotten accomplished? A half-aged pair of gloves.
Yeah. Really.
So yes, I'm worried. If I don't get the mummy skins done, hey, I'll do them for the store. Not a problem. I'm working on two store texture sets, and one--or the other--would also work as a gift.
SOMEthing will be done in time for Unknown.
But the 12th...that's very nearly
just a week from now. A week from now will I be able to sit at my desk without elevating the leg? I just don't know.
I'll keep you posted.
On the plus side--and this is good news--I finally have everything fixed and running in the
main store lobby.
By that, I mean, I have:
- the Virtual Haiti relief kiosk for donations
- the Thrifty Goth group join board
- the Unknown hunt board
- a Midnight Mania board up and running (with one of the Darkest Carni outfits in it, bloodspattered stripes, pretty sure it's still the only way to get that particular dress for the moment)
- the Wear Gray donation jar
- the Lady Disdain subscribe-o-matic board
- the notecard-giving logo board
- and two vendors for two different vodoun veves sets, both sending all proceeds to Haitian earthquake relief
Not bad. Next up: getting
non-charity products up for sale!
[Also, yes, I am amused at my brain. I can just barely manage to vaguely hint at something going wrong on the main blog, but here and on Twitter? I can give all the RL details I think are meaningful and relevant.
[My brain is weird. But then, this is nothing new for anyone who knows me.]